Saturday 1 March 2014

Sculpture in Ghana.

Nowadays the craze for art work  is very high. I sometimes wonder why this is the case. I love to talk a lot, go shopping or better still, surf the internet. But some people prefer to go to art exhibitions or just tour around. I have observed keenly that  when the white folks come to Ghana, they mostly buy a lot of wood carvings.

Its good anyway, at least it provides income to the dealers of wood carvings. Most of these wood carvings are also used in the homes of many people as decorative pieces.

But I admire these craftsmen. You should see the way they work,  it's very interesting to watch. Sculpture is defined basically as the art of shaping figures or designs. It is interesting how wood, metal, plastics and stones can be shaped into beautiful pieces appealing to the eye.

A wooden carving of a woman with a pot and a baby.

In these modern times, some people think an individual is only important when he or she has a formal education. This however should not be the case since not all humans can have that. Some people definitely have to tow a different line. Some of these sculptors actually carve a wood piece for it to look extraordinarily beautiful. They actually look so real, from afar a person may even mistake it for a human being.

 A wooden carving of a xylophone player.

Sometimes I just wish I could paint, draw or do something profitable with my bare hands like others do. But it is just not the case. Anyway I only console myself with the fact that everyone is unique in his or her own small way. Enjoy some art videos in Ghana in the links below;

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